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Are you into realistic but celebratory stories of women breaking down barriers or you’re a fan of punk history?

Viven Goldman has been a punk musician and writer in the punk scene since the beginning. In Revenge of the She-Punks, Goldman tells the story of the women who helped pioneer punk and highlights women building punk careers around the world. She celebrates the wide diversity of not-male musicians who are telling their stories through music, while lamenting the way early women in punk were forced out of the game. Her “revenge” isn’t a violent reprisal for these slights. It’s the process of celebrating the bands who weren’t given enough of a chance.

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Revenge of the She-Punks: A Feminist Music History from Poly Styrene to Pussy Riot

Written by

Vivien Goldman


Biography, Contemporary, Non-fiction, Creative, Elegant, Humorous, Intriguing, Profound, Upbeat


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